Tuesday, August 28, 2007

a nice b'day experience

From Ben Casnocha's blog:

Kevin Pasquinelli, CRM consultant, JD candidate, former Comcate consultant

Never say never!"

- When I was 18, and entering college, I said that I would dedicate my life
to science and never become an engineer. I graduated with a BSEE.
- As I became immersed in electrical engineering I said that I would never
concentrate in software. I went on to obtain a MSCS.
- Upon graduation, I said I would work only on applications and never on
compilers and software development tools (aka software that generated more
software was a "ridiculous use of my time"). Soon thereafter, I became
product manager for compilers and software development tools at Hewlett
- During this entire time, my family encouraged me to become an attorney and
I responded; "What a dull and boring job." I am due to receive my J.D. in
May 2006.

Life is an adventure. Live it. Never count any vocational path out.